Posters in Population

Posters in Population

Photographs by Russ Flatt

Tim Melville Gallery
4 Winchester Street, Newton, Auckland

Monday 03 - Friday 07 February 10am - 6pm / Saturday 08 February 10am - 3pm.

ENDING HIV is proud to present a suite of 12 powerful photographs by Russ Flatt at Tim Melville Gallery.

As well as a series of FREE posters … please take one … or more!

ENDING HIV is a programme committed to working hand in hand with partners and the community to end HIV in Aotearoa New Zealand. Its mission is to prevent the spread of HIV and to support not only people living with HIV but also their friends and whanau. By staying safe, testing often and treating early, HIV can be stopped in its tracks.

The 'Posters in Population’ project was launched after listening to LGBTQIA+ voices.

Peoples of diverse gender and cultural backgrounds are under-represented and sometimes entirely left out of messaging in matters of health.

ENDING HIV wants to present a broader depiction of the importance of these communities while highlighting some of the barriers that individuals need to overcome in striving for physical and emotional health.

The text accompanying the 12 photographs has been translated into NZ Māori, Cook Island Māori, Samoan, Tongan, Fijian, Hindi, Spanish, Khmer, Chinese and Dhivehi

The posters will be distributed amongst these diverse communities.

For more information, please visit